1.1. The public organization “Biomedicine and Bioengineering Association” (hereinafter – the Organization) is a voluntary non-profit public organization, which was created and carries out its activities without the purpose of making a profit and unites citizens, its members, on the basis of voluntariness and equality of common interests, to realize the goal and tasks provided for by this Statute.
1.2. The full name of the Organization is the Public Organization “Biomedicine and Bioengineering Association”.
1.3. There is no abbreviated name.
1.4. The full name in English is “Biomedicine and Bioengineering Association”.
1.5. There is no abbreviated name in English.
1.6. The organization was created and operates in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Public Associations”, other legislative acts, internal documents and this Charter.
1.7. The organization is created and operates on the principles of voluntariness, equality of its members, self-governance, legality, electability and accountability of governing bodies, transparency in work.
1.8. The organization acquires the rights of a legal entity from the moment of state registration in accordance with current legislation, has its own seal, stamps and forms with its own name, accounts, including in foreign currency in banking institutions, its own symbols.
1.9. The activity of the public organization extends to the territory of Ukraine.
1.10. Organizational and legal form: public organization.
1.11. The organization has the right to enter into agreements (deeds), acquire property and non-property rights, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and a defendant in court, own funds and other property, open bank accounts in national and foreign currency on its own behalf.
1.12. Biomedicine refers to fundamental (theoretical) medicine, which is based on the achievements of the natural sciences, primarily biology, in order to create new and improve already known methods and means of treatment, prevention and diagnosis of human and animal pathologies, support of a full-fledged physical, mental and social well-being of a person. Biomedicine is directly related to the following medical and biological sciences: anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology and toxicology, bioorganic and pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, cosmetology, immunology and allergology, histology, cytology, embryology, biomechanics, valeology, hygiene and occupational pathology, epidemiology , social medicine, clinical laboratory diagnostics, cryomedicine, hematology, endocrinology, oncology, translational, personalized and regenerative medicine, radiobiology, biochemistry and biophysics, molecular and cellular biology, genetics, microbiology, mycology, virology, developmental biology, ecology, entomology, parasitology , helminthology.
1.13. Bioengineering refers to the interdisciplinary approach of using engineering principles in biology and medicine. Bioengineering is directly related to the following applied (technical, engineering) sciences: biotechnology, bioengineering, medical and biological informatics and cybernetics (including biomedical visualization), systems and computational biology, biocompatible materials and artificial organs, prosthetics and orthotics, rehabilitation engineering (including orthopedic and sports bioengineering), regenerative engineering (including tissue and organ engineering), biosafety and bioprotection technologies, pharmaceutical engineering, industrial pharmacy, technologies of biologically active substances, medicines, medical devices and other products in the healthcare system, biosensors, medical device engineering , clinical engineering, good engineering practices in biotechnology, pharmacy, medicine.
2.1. The main goal of the Organization is to promote:
scientific, innovative and educational development of biomedicine and bioengineering;
development of entrepreneurial activity in the field of biomedicine and bioengineering;
realization of their rights and freedoms by specialists in biomedicine and bioengineering and legal entities whose activities are related to biomedicine and bioengineering, primarily protection of professional rights, freedoms and interests.
2.2. The main areas of activity of the Organization are:
2.2.1. Creation of educational, professional and other standards related to specialties, professions and professional activities in the field of biomedicine and bioengineering;
2.2.2. Increasing the professional level of specialists in biomedicine and bioengineering, their attestation, certification and a decent level of payment;
2.2.3. Establishing cooperation between research and educational institutions, enterprises, health care institutions, other organizations in Ukraine and abroad, as well as individual specialists in order to achieve the main goal of the Organization;
2.2.4. Establishment and/or publication of media, in particular scientific journals;
2.2.5. Development and release of methodical, educational and scientific literature, informational and other materials, including media, web resources, etc. created by the Organization;
2.2.6. Increasing efficiency